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Oct 21, 2020

Brittany Baker is a former lawyer who has turned into a full-time baker. She juggles being an entrepreneur (and wearing all hats at FOMO) while taking care of her toddler daughter (and due with another daughter in December). Equipped with a brand new and state of the art allergen free kitchen, Brittany is...

Sep 23, 2020

Mandi Williams shares her chronic illness story and how it lead her to create her own Elderberry Syrup called Seate's Syrup. In this episode she shares how elderberry syrup can improve your health.

Sep 16, 2020

Growing up Hayley enjoyed the endeavors of modeling, doing catwalk shows in Sutton Surrey for Global Brands such as Next. After this she spent several years battling with her own mental and physical health, she embarked on the path of spiritual healing, which led her to enroll to become an accredited spirituality...

Jul 22, 2020

Check out there free monthly educational virtual meeting -

Dr. Jean-Ronel Corbier - Chief Executive Officer & Director Board Certified Neurologist with special qualifications in Pediatric Neurology Dr. Corbier is a Board Certified Neurologist with special qualifications in...

Jul 15, 2020

Michael O’Connor has worked in functional medicine for 6 years focusing on stress, cardiometabolic disease, gastrointestinal issues, and autoimmune disease.

Throughout the years, diseases have become more complex than ever which makes it exciting working with practitioners all over the Carolinas to help get...